Adventure 1
The world of I-Pesaru. Three hundred and eighty years ago, the nations of the three civilized races (man, elves, and dwarves) and their allies banded together to defeat the forces of evil and darkness from the continent of Plutis. After a long, prolonged war, the dark Gods were finally beaten and subdued, and their twisted monsters and monster races were driven back to the rocky, mountainous area known as the Darkrise. Since then, there has been peace (uneasy peace without a common, uniting foe) between the civilized races; however, what were three grand nations that composed the Army of Light, have fractured over time.
"Stendanair", the great Dwarven Kingdom, has shrunk to nearly half the size, as the King continues to heavily fortify his lands. (Preceived assault from the Northen Human Nation, from the Elven nation, and boogeyman stories about monsters returning.)
The elves, despite being united under the Banner of the Oak, have split into two primary factions- The more fundemental Illothians, who inhabit the capital city of Niria, and the laid-back "rebellious" Iccarians, who inhabit the only major elven port of Theratas. (Illothians are the tree huggers, super nature devoted and pissed at the Dwarves for their mining and land destruction. Iccarians are the "modernized" group, more likely to trade and interact with the other races, harvest nature for their own profit, etc.)
And finally, the once mighty Empire of Merentha has collapsed into three disparate nations: The Freelands (which is more of a confedercacy of "city-states" than an actual nation), home to the great Desert Penninsula, the pirate port of Distello, and the ruins of many great temples. The Principality of Jaggonath, which occupies the "Human Highlands", is known for its religious zeal and home to the massive human cities. (Giant cathedrals in each one, think an entire country ruled like the Vatican. Former heart of the Merenthian Empire. Huge racial purity kick, pull templars and the sort for class/troop names.) And finally, the Republic of Asmody, home to lush farmlands, the port city of Divell, and the capital fortress of Argon. (The Republic hosts most of the farmland of the Human-held areas. Also fosters a resistance movement, trying to overthrow the Prinicpality for their racist/purity methods.)
Now, after almost four centuries of sanctuary from the hordes of darkness, there have been rumors and unconfirmed reports across Plutis. People being torn to shreds, missing limbs, or their organs being liquified. Other tales tell of villages and towns burning to the ground, raids from unknown assailants, and of the screams of townsfolk being carryied off into the night.
Our story begins in the town of Amoria. Relatively small, this town sits off the only direct path (Devil's Trail) between Stendanair and the Republic. (Only path through the mountains of the Darklands that connects the Dwarven/Human lands.) Surrounded by dark, blackened woods, the town center is stockaded, and most of the townsfolk barracade themselves inside at night. Only two buildings outside the stockades stay open at night- The "Cat's Cockle Inn" (I need a picture of a cat on a small boat), and a stone watchtower that holds a small garrison.
Mythic Quest - Defeat/Re-Imprison the Dark Gods in Jahanna Minor Quest #1 - Defeat a load of bandits that have taken to harassing Amoria & those who travel along the Devil's Trail. MiQ P1 - Lead @ Inn, survivor of ambush. Raided (Smuggler's) Caravan two hours to the West. MiQ P2 - Leads to Bandit Camp one hour to the North. Camp has note regarding Eastern Camp. MiQ P3 - Primary Bandit Camp three hours East, two hours South of Amoria. Camp has tortured prisoner from ambush. Talks about magical items being smuggled, will offer reward if claimed. Overheard something about a Mage (unknown location to prisoner) and spy/plant/fence (assistant @ General Store & lives @ Inn. Lifeline to trade raided supplies, General Store Owner in on it too, spots Caravans and useful targets) in Amoria. MiQ P4 - Get information from plant, stop Mage. Mage located a day's walk West, two hours South. Small Dwarven fort, run down. Contains Acolyte and an Orc Bandit Captain (Orcs haven't been seen in decades), actual mage is missing. Minor Quest #2 - Track down Mage & discover information about Orcs.