Adventure 2

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Following the end of the adventures on Bitchport Island, the party returns to the Port of Amoria. Before Bitchport, the party had killed the leaders of the Blue Sabers bandit gang- Dyni at the main bandit fortress/home, and Walita outside of Dibella (also, the Mayor of Amoria's teenage son). Upon Walita's death, her staff was also shattered, releasing a wave of energy and beam of light into the sky. In addition, she was revealed to be an orc, along with her two chief lieutenants. Dibella had been attacked and was smouldering at the time.

Upon returning to the Port/Town area, they are greeted by Carlton (one of Varla's mercenary partners). Carlton was hired by a woman who arrived in Dibella, paid for/bought him a horse, and asked him to go off and find "The Gang." He has a sealed letter for their boss, and suggests Varla take it home- Something about the boss probably preferring to hear the news from V over him. (It will take Varla 11 days to make it home, drop off the letter, debrief, gather 100G per party member for "services rendered", and then return to Amoria. Due to having a horse, she can move 2x normal party speed, so she'll be able to get to the WALL within another week.) Then he suggests they go back to Dibella to meet the woman. Carlton joins the party (Level 2 Guard).

While travelling to Dibella, they run across Harambe, who is wearing super torn leather armor scraps, and weilding a wooden sword. Demands a toll of all their booze, before seeing Analease and running away.

Arriving in Dibella, they meet Kira StormHammer. Kira is a researcher, historian, and specializes in the Great War- specifially, she is an expert on Orcs. She is also a half-elf, half-dwarf. She has a tent set up, with a few assistants helping, plus an armored cleric- Oren StormHammer. Inside the tent, are the three orc corpses, being autopsied. Kira reports back via sending scrolls to someone in the Dwarven Kingdom, and then offers to pay the gang to visit the Dwarven lands for a debrief. Several promenant military members want to hear about the adventure, in person. She also asks about the beam of light/explosion. May or may not see the remains of Walita's staff, will go into EXPOSITION about Dwarven society and whatnot.

Kira (Lvl 6 Arcane Trickster) and Oren (Lvl 2 Cleric) will join the party, while Carlton leaves it. Travel to WALL from Dibella, players will encounter a battlefield graveyard about 3 days out. Campsite is in a broken tower at the top of the hill, battlefield is at the bottom of the hill. 2Spooky4Me Encounter there.

At the WALL, the captain informs them that due to security concerns, the gates are sealed for all non-dwarves. Anyone who wishes to go through, requires travel papers- which require 4 weeks to create. Kira can push them to accelerate the process to two weeks. If Oren dies during 2S4M, she will take his remains to his family and return in two weeks. Otherwise, she and Oren will go on ahead to prepare things ahead of time. Regardless, Kira will reserve rooms and a small tab at the Salty Spitoon for the party for the duration.

--- Party is at this point as of 2017-05-04. Changes include: Kira is now a Member of the Dwarven Ministry of Intelligence, not a researcher. She has offered the party 4k GP to "escort" her to her headquarters. There is an extra 4k reward if Drel doesn't talk during the trip. Carlton had his coinpurse stolen by Drel. Kira & Oren have now left the party to rush out and get papers for the party. She has read the note to Walita, and realized that Lord Haranthal may be responsible for the whole thing. ---

SilverLeaf family owns/runs the area outside the North Wall. Area outside the wall is considered "un-enforced" by the Kingdom, even if it is technically dwarven land. Silverleafs run a brewery and a Winery/Distillery. Their latest batch of beer/ale/something uses illegal ingredients smuggled through a hole in the WALL (Western section) from the Elven Lands to make it addicting to all non-Dwarven races. Drink is called "Siren's Wash."

Nigel is at the Endless Well on whatever day the gang shows up, and offers them a free round of his family's latest brew (Siren's Wash). Const DC save of 15 to avoid Lvl 1 addiction.

Varla will return/arrive at the WALL after 20 days from her initally leaving. She will have added to her inventory - Full Plate Armor, Red full body cloak w/ hood, a dagger, some rations, a set of leather armor, normal town clothes, and 4 Mercenary Guild Tokens- Three copper, one silver. Varla will have removed 2k GP from her inventory, her old shields, and her scale mail.

Mercenary Guild Token Levels: Copper- Friend of the Guild in question Bronze- Basic Member of the Guild Silver- Ranking Member of the Guild Gold- High Ranking Member of the Guild Platinum- Guildmaster

Drink addiction levels (Rises with each failed saving throw when drinking): 1) Mild yearning for the drink. No withdrawl symptoms other than wanting to drink more. Wears off after a short rest. 2) Strong yearning for the drink. After 2 hours without a drink, players will have a slight ringing in the ears, and feel woozy: -1 INT, -1 CON. Wears off after a long rest. 3) Desire for the drink. After 1 hour without a drink, players will have a ringing in the ears, feel woozy, and feel twitchy: -2 INT, -2 CON, -1 DEX. Wears off after 24 hours (1 day) without drinking. 4) Relentless desire for the drink. After 30 minutes without a drink, players will have a migraine, twitch, and be extremely irratible: -3 INT, -3 CON, -2 DEX. Wears off after 48 hours (2 days) without drinking. 5) Uncontrollable obession for the drink. After 15 minutes without a drink, players will have a migraine, cramps, twitching, and lose coherence: -4 INT, -4 CON, -3 DEX, -3 CHA, -2 STR. Wears off after 96 hours (3 days) without drinking.

Also, cattle and wildlife have been dissapearing in the area. Captain of the Wall Guard will pay party to investigate, as he's tired of complaints and can't spare any additional scouts. Will offer the same deal to the party as he did the last group of people looking for work: "There is someone or something that is carrying off and eating wildlife in the area. If you figure out what it is, I'll pay 100GP. If you kill it, I'll pay another 400GP. If it's one of those hoarding kind of creatures, you can keep its hoard."

Wimble, the Farm Supervisor, is upset and concerned that the lost animals will be taken out of his pay. If the party is willing to tell the SilverLeaf family that whatever was doing this was too monsterous to be stopped by him or their security (regardless of truth), he'll cut them in on half of what he would have lost. This will come out to 10GP, because he's an asshole like that.

Turns out to be an ogre, and some wolves, living out of the old Storehouse to the North.

Storehouse contains (besides various animal corpses, rotted grain, empty chests, and rusted swords/armor): 40GP in two old coin purses. An ornate (but heavily cracked) warhammer with the StormHammer crest on it. Several rat skeletons, glued together to appear dancing.

Storehouse contains Ogre sleeping/eating/etc. (depending on time of day), plus a few wolves that hang out feeding on scraps. In the back of the storehouse, on the wall that is cut out of the mountain, there will be an exposed corridor arch cut into the wall. There are Dwarven Runes carved into recesses around the door, except for one spot that looks recently smashed. Sucessful Arcana check reveals them to be some sort of illusion runes. The corridor leads to a stairwell, lit up as they walk down it by magic alcoved candles. At the bottom is a large room, with a statue in the middle of a fearsome gargoyle, plus a dozen suits of dwarven armor standing along the outer walls (6 per side). This is lit by magical torches that light as the party nears them. The back wall has a carved dwarven face with two gems into its forehead, appearing in the center of large stone doors. It will accost the party, demand they leave (as they are not Arcmage Windal TwilightHammer). If they refuse to leave, there will be the ARCMAGE Chamber encounter. After this third encounter, they will level up.

After the AC encounter, the back wall carving will shout "Nononononononono" on and on, until something hammers away at the backside of the door. Provided the party stays, the next enemy will burst out of the door and attack. This is the ARCMAGE CHAMBER PT2 ENCOUNTER. Defeating this enemy will allow access to the Arcmage's workshop and private chambers.

Workshop contains the following (in addition to various non-functional, broken, scattered, rusting, etc. equipment and notes): Dwarven Mythril ShortBow: +2 Hit & +2 Damage when wielded by a humanoid smalller than 5'. Otherwise, -2 Hit & -2 Damage. (Found in Arcmage Windal's workshop.) Dwarven Mythril Halberd: +2 Frost Damage to humanoid enemies of 5' or taller. Otherwise, -2 Normal Damage. (Found in Arcmage Windal's workshop.) Dwarven Monocle: Grants wearer Blindsight 15'. Requires attunement. 12x Greater Healing Potions A regular looking sword that cries like a baby when you swing it. Private chambers contain the following (in addition to an old bed, a dwarven skeleton in fancy blue and black robes, worn and faded journals, and other old bedroom furnishings): 10,000GP in ten bags of 1,000G, sitting in various locations in the room. Dwarven Blue & Black Silk Robes of Truthiness: While worn, the player gets an advantage to all conversational Investigation rolls. Requires attunement. TwilightHammer Signet Ring: While worn, the player has an advantage on all poison rolls. Requires attunement. Rose made out of Silver: While held, a hummed version of the Harry Potter theme is heard in the holder's ear. Does nothing else.

Northern Wall Detachment: 4 x 16 Dwarven Soldiers. 16 soldiers per Barracks, max capacity of 48 each. 1 x Captain - War Captain Hethel DarkSmith. Older, missing left eye (eyepatch), mostly grey hair. 4x Sargeants - Sgt. Tiffany BlackHammer, Sgt. Whereas TalonStrike, Sgt. Nickols BannerHelm, Sgt. Briana GateCrusher

Eastern Tavern: Mule's Kick. Run by crotchety old female dwarf, Thessa WhiteSaber. Sort of run down, serves dwarves excusively. Middle Tavern: Salty Spitoon. Run by pleasent enough male human, Erensto. More upkept, sort of like a smoke bar. Western Tavern: Endless Well. Run by friendly male dwarf, Kantos WildGryphon. Well kept up, serves as primary/first source bar for Brewery & Winery products. Blacksmith: DawnHammer's Arms and Armor. Stout, angry male dwarf Talos DawnHammer, and his daughter, Nia DawnHammer. General Store: SilverLeaf Specials. Amicable female dwarf, Whitney DawnHammer, Talos' wife. Stable: Tun by Stanni DawnHammer, Talos' son. Brothel: Run by human husband and wife team: Todd and Thera Moore. -Charlie: Red-Headed petite half-elf. -Dawn: Brunette dwarf. -Felicity: Blonde human. -Coco: Blonde dwarf. -Fyre: Large red-headed dude in drag.

Farm stuff: Farm Supervisor - High Elf Wimble. Kind of a pompous jerkass, does everything on a black horse.

SilverLeaf family: Tomas - Head of Household. Petah - Tomas' son. Stella - Petah's wife. Noelle - Tomas' daughter. Nigel - Petah's son. Dhorthy - Petah's daughter.