Adventure 3
Gang travels to Mui (headquarters of Kira's division of the King's Shadow/Ministry of Intelligence).
Gang is interrogated about their role in the staff breaking, what they know of Toggle/Boggle, orcs, etc. Operative Damocles is in charge of the Northern branch. Appears as a high elf, speaks with Russian accent.
This is dependant on actions during North of the Wall segment
Damocles is annoyed that the gang interrupted a several-month long investigation into the SilverLeaf family's operations (by burning the Brewery to the ground), especially Petah and suspected drug trafficking. Depending on how things go, will also thank the Gang for driving several new informants to them, while also allowing/helping the capture of the smugglers doing the trading.
Gang learns from Kira/Damocles (who learned from their contacts) that there may be something sinister (a cult) operating outside the city in a small farming village. Gang may be pressed into looking for this as repentance for the above Operation ruining. The merchants that Toggle/Boggle were supposed to be trading with have gone missing travelling in the area.
Cult is worshipping Crudelis, and is torturing a dragonkin for information/pleasure/tribute to Crudelis to try and learn more about the NeoCount. Dragonborn gives some exposition, and the gang finds some encoded paperwork (one of the pages is a map).
Dragonborn named Farideh Evergreen. She is a silver-colored female, adult (47). All Chromatic Dragonborn in this realm have the natural ability (inheirited from true drakes) to Polymorph Self/Change Shape for up to 24 hours, castable once a day after a long rest. Tatalia assumes the form of a High Elf with burning green eyes and silvered/white hair (Their polymorphed form will manifest upon puberty, some dragonborn can choose their alternate self).
Map can be read by Kira, who realizes it's a small abandoned town in Darklands. Abandoned town holds larger cultist group, supplied by sypathetic trade caravans going the long way around and leaving food/water/supplies. Cultists are lead by Lord Haranthal's Son, mascarading as his father. Both Harenthals got really sick a few years back, only "father" recovered. "Son" is still in the estate, sick, attended to by servants. Lesser Harenthal has cultists in the North producing the poison keeping his father sick. After this is revealed, there will be a Gala at some point at the Harenthal estate, party can try to sneak in and find/cure the father and reveal treachery.